Full publication list including collaboration papers can be found at: INSPIRE-HEP and Google Scholar.
- Qian Hu, Jessica Irwin, Qi Sun, Chris Messenger, Lami Suleiman, Ik Siong Heng, John Veitch, Decoding long-duration GW from BNS with machine learning: Parameter estimation and equations of state. arXiv: 2412.03454, ET-0666A-24, LIGO-P2400567.
- Machine learning approaches for fast parameter estimation and equation of state inference for long-duration GW signals. O(1000) CPU hours -> O(1) seconds.
- Qian Hu, John Veitch, Costs of Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Third-Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors: a Review of Acceleration Methods. arXiv: 2412.02651, ET-0683A-24.
- How will current parameter estimation methods scale in 3G detectors? Keywords: millions, billions, and quadrillions.
- Qian Hu, John Veitch, Rapid pre-merger localization of binary neutron stars in third generation gravitational wave detectors. arXiv:2309.00970, Astrophys.J.Lett. 958 (2023) 2, L43 , ET-0289A-23.
- SealGW x Multi-banding: A demonstration of localizing long signals in 3G detectors.
- Qian Hu, John Veitch, Accumulating errors in tests of general relativity with gravitational waves: overlapping signals and inaccurate waveforms. arXiv:2210.04769, Astrophys.J. 945 (2023) 2, 103, ET-0211A-22.
- Systematic error can accumulate in a CBC catalog and lead to a false deviation of GR.
- Inaccurate waveforms contribute to most of the error, and overlapping signals magnify the impact of waveform systematics.
- “Golden events” are more vulnerable to systematic errors.
- Qian Hu, John Veitch, Assessing the model waveform accuracy of gravitational waves. arXiv:2205.08448, PRD 106, 044042 (2022), LIGO-P2200107.
- Evaluating GW waveform accuracy by looking into difference between two waveform models. It’s free from the unknown true waveform or numerical relativity simulations.
- Applied to GWTC posterior samples to evaluate waveform model accuracy: with current detector sensitivity we can make loud detections in which waveform models are not accurate enough. This may have some impacts on parameter estimation.
- Applied to simulations: high spin, low mass ratio and edge-on inclination are the “bad” regions in the parameter space.
- Qian Hu, Mingzheng Li, Rui Niu, and Wen Zhao. Joint Observations of Space-based Gravitational-wave Detectors: Source Localization and Implication for Parity-violating Gravity. arXiv:2006.05670, PRD 103, 064057 (2021).
- Bayesian parameter estimation on space-borne GW detectors. We investigated the improvements of GW source localization and constraint on parity-violating gravity given by space-borne GW detector networks.
- Qian Hu, Cong Zhou, Jhao-Hong Peng, Linqing Wen, Qi Chu, Manoj Kovalam. Semianalytical Approach for Sky Localization of Gravitational Waves. arXiv:2110.01874, PRD 104, 104008 (2021) and LIGO-P2100261.
- A fast GW source localization method for compact binary coalescences, and is implemented into online detection pipeline SPIIR.
- Check out SealGW!
- Wen Zhao, Tan Liu, Linqing Wen, Tao Zhu, Anzhong Wang, Qian Hu, and Cong Zhou. Model-independent test of the parity symmetry of gravity with gravitational waves. arXiv:1909.13007, EPJC 80 (7), 1-9, LIGO-P1900265.
- A method to decompose the circular polarizations of GWs produced during the inspiralling stage of compact binaries with the help of stationary phase approximation. A model-independent test of the parity symmetry of gravity.